Bio identical Hormone treatment Huntington, NY - Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic

Overview of bioidentical hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, hormone levels can become imbalanced, leading to unpleasant symptoms. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help restore optimal hormone levels, thereby relieving symptoms and promoting better health and wellbeing.

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are chemically synthesized hormonal preparations that are exact matches to endogenous human hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and others. This makes them molecularly identical to the hormones created in the bodies of men and women.

Key benefits of bioidentical hormones:

BHRT utilizes hormones chemically identical to those produced by the ovaries and testes before a decrease in production occurs due to aging or other causes. This precise biochemical match is why many practitioners believe bioidentical hormones can be used more safely and effectively than traditional non-bioidentical versions.

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Conditions treated with bioidentical HRT

Both men and women can benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). It is commonly used to relieve uncomfortable signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance which can occur at any age, but most typically due to:

Symptoms potentially helped with properly administered BHRT include:

For women:

For men:

Both genders may also experience adverse changes in cardiovascular markers like cholesterol levels or blood pressure when hormones become imbalanced. BHRT under an experienced doctor’s supervision can help restore healthy cardiovascular and metabolic function along with relief from uncomfortable menopausal or andropause symptoms.

Diagnosing hormone imbalance

Determining if hormonal imbalance exists requires specific blood and sometimes saliva testing. An integrative healthcare provider specializing in bioidentical hormone therapy will determine if testing is warranted based on reported symptoms and comprehensive health history.

Common lab tests used to assess individual hormone levels include:



Levels outside age and gender-appropriate optimal ranges signify a potential need for customized bioidentical hormone therapy. Ongoing follow up testing helps determine proper hormone dosing on an individualized basis over time.

Key point: Like every person’s nutritional needs or optimal blood pressure differs, so can ideal hormone levels. That’s why the custom-tailored approach with bioidentical hormone replacement continues to grow in popularity compared to historically used standardized doses of synthetic versions.

Take control of your hormonal health today!

Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic advantages

When considering treatment for hormonal imbalance, the knowledgeable practitioners of Huntington’s Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic offer distinct advantages:

A personalized, optimal protocol based on:

This helps create the right plan based on the unique needs of each patient for safe, effective relief of uncomfortable symptoms and restoration of wellbeing.

Why choose bioidentical over synthetic hormones?

Prescription synthetic hormones like birth control pills or conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) utilize one-size-fits all dosing that may fail to restore optimal balance on an individual basis. This can potentially lead to side effects or inadequate symptom relief.

By contrast, individually tailored combinations and doses of bioidentical estrogen, testosterone and other hormones are custom-formulated in creams, gels or injectables based precisely on each patient’s lab testing and symptom patterns.

Key advantage: This personalized approach often mitigates side effects associated with synthetic hormones for more satisfactory symptom relief from menopause, andropause or other hormonal issues in both sexes.

Essentials of bioidentical hormone therapy

Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) provided by our Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic practitioners encompasses all aspects of effective treatment:

This step-by-step process is overseen by our experienced, licensed healthcare providers to create fully personalized protocols aimed at the optimal balance and relief of symptoms unique to each individual.

We utilize high quality U.S. or European sourced bioidentical hormones from reputable pharmacies in variouspotencies and combinations. These are carefully tailored to match what laboratory testing indicates the body needs more or less of at any given point.

Interesting fact

Many people don't realize that bioidentical hormones are not one specific molecule, but can refer to various compounds with a similar chemical structure to human hormones. This allows more customization for treatment based on each patient's unique hormone levels and needs.

Starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

The process of beginning bioidentical hormone therapy (BRT) typically proceeds gradually under our clinic’s oversight:

Initial visit: Background health history and reported symptom profile are gathered and assessed. Initial blood or saliva lab testing may be ordered if deemed necessary. These results reveal individual hormone levels and patterns to guide customized treatment planning.

Follow up appointment: The practitioner reviews results and collaborates with the patient to create a tailored combination BHRT plan including dosage forms/schedules. The initial prescription is provided, along with instructions for proper administration and what to monitor/report.

Ongoing monitoring: Follow up visits and testing at intervals are scheduled to evaluate treatment response through lab work and symptom tracking. Feedback guides dosage adjustments if needed until hormone balance and satisfactory relief are achieved.

Maintenance phase: When optimized, the established BHRT regimen continues with ongoing oversight and tune-ups as warranted over months or years to sustain results. Diet/lifestyle modifications are recommended to help support hormonal health from the inside out.

Key point: Beginning bioidentical hormone therapy requires an investment of time and commitment from both patient and practitioner for safe, effective outcomes. Our goal at Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic is guiding patients through each step of this process with compassionate, evidence-based care.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic practitioners' experience and approach

The licensed healthcare providers at Huntington’s Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic offer extensive training and expertise in evidence-based bioidentical hormone replacement tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

Our background includes:

We provide an optimal combination of clinical excellence, accessibility, and attentiveness throughout each individual’s treatment journey:

Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic’ modern, personalized methodology helps patients achieve satisfying symptom relief and sustained wellbeing through precision balanced bioidentical hormone therapy.

Importance of addressing hormonal imbalance

Restoring balance with bioidentical hormones under careful supervision provides more than just prompt relief from sometimes debilitating menopausal or andropause symptoms. Ongoing imbalance poses significant risks of developing other issues over time:

Long term risks potentially associated with low hormones:



Additional health benefits of bioidentical HRT

Along with relieving uncomfortable symptoms of hormonal deficiency, properly monitored bioidentical hormone therapy offers generous additional benefits:



Considerations for starting bioidentical hormone therapy

The most favorable circumstances and times of year for beginning individualized bioidentical hormone replacement in the Huntington area include:

When starting BHRT, also consider:

Key insight: Adjusting thought patterns, self-care activities, relationships and surroundings - in addition to adopting the properly customized bioidentical hormone regimen prescribed - helps ensure the most satisfactory path ahead.

Getting started with Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic

To explore whether Rejuvenate Hormone Clinic’ personalized bioidentical hormone therapy may be right for you or get answers to any other questions:

We look forward to guiding your journey toward revitalized hormonal wellness and vitality!

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